Articulation Agreements

Articulation Agreements provide additional academic pathways to undergraduate and graduate students. Through institutional or program-level partnerships, students have numerous pathways at their disposal. A complete list of active partnerships can be found in the Academic Catalog.

Guaranteed Admissions & 2+2 Pathways (CCAC)

Chatham is pleased to announce a new articulation agreement with the Community College of Allegheny County (CCAC). This agreement provides guaranteed admission to Chatham programs at the time of CCAC admissions, and allows students to seamlessly complete a Chatham program in two years after earning an associate’s degree from CCAC.

Chatham University offers guaranteed admission into numerous bachelor’s degree programs at the time of admission to CCAC. To be eligible, a student must earn an associate’s degree and be in good academic standing with CCAC. Students must complete Chatham’s graduation requirements to receive a bachelor’s degree. Full-time, on-ground transfer students will be eligible for an academic merit scholarship, and students who submit the FAFSA will be considered for need-based aid.

CCAC students pursuing majors other than those in the 2+2 Pathways are still encouraged to apply to Chatham. Below is a list of current 2+2 Pathways programs.

2+2 Pathways

CCAC Academic Majors

Chatham Transfer Options


Criminal Justice and Criminology (AS)

Criminology (BA)

Criminology 4-Year Plan (PDF)

Psychology (AA)

Psychology (BA)

Psychology 4-Year Plan (PDF)

Social Work Foundation (AS)

Social Work (BSW)

Social Work 4-Year Plan (PDF)

Biology (AS)

Biology: Human Biology (BS)

Human Biology 4-Year Plan (PDF)

Biology (AS)

Biology: Cell and Molecular Biology (BS)

Cell and Molecular 4-Year Plan (PDF)

Biology (AS)

Neuroscience (BS)

Neuroscience 4-Year Plan (PDF)

Chemistry (AS)

Chemistry (BS)

Chemistry 4-Year Plan (PDF)

Chemistry (AS)

Biochemistry (BS)

Biochemistry 4-Year Plan (PDF)

Accounting (AS)

Accounting (BA)

Accounting 4-Year Plan (PDF)

Business (AS)

Management (BA)

Management 4-Year Plan (PDF)

Transfer Student Events

Join us on campus for an undergraduate Transfer Visit Day, or sign up for one of our virtual information sessions. You'll learn about our streamlined 2+2 transfer pathways, Chatham's transfer credit policy, scholarships & financial aid, as well as connect with faculty in your academic areas of interest. 

View Event Schedule : Checkerboard 1 - Transfer Student Events